
Good Sea Wall News For Cape Coral, Florida Residents


Now Accepting Seawall Applications In Cape Coral

A new five-year permit issued February 28th from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Jacksonville District) now allows the City of Cape Coral to process new seawall repair, maintenance and construction applications, as well as applications for their single-family docks.

Dredging Today released the story 3/1/2013:


… Jacksonville District reissued Programmatic General Permit (PGP) SAJ-91, authorizing the city of Cape Coral to process permits for the construction, maintenance, and repair of single-family docks and seawalls along the city shoreline. … The Corps then submitted the proposed permit to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, which determined that the proposed PGP was consistent with the state’s federally approved coastal zone management program …

The holdup since last fall’s expiration of the prior permt was due to the designation of the Cape Coral waterways as a critical habitat for the smalltooth sawfish, considered an endangered species. So the Endangered Species Act required clearance from the NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Services. A determination that the PGP was consistent with the State’s federally approved coastal zone managment program and qualified for a water quality certification was also required from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

Now the process for homeowners will be streamlined and far less costly, not requiring separate approvals for minor work in these waters. It’s a good time get your sea wall repaired or installed prior to hurricane season!

What You Should Know First

When seeking an application, it is very important for homeowners to ensure that the soil at the shoreline will be properly stabilized. Given the problems with “fill” from dredging and porous limestone erosion prevalent throughout Florida’s waterfront communities, it’s important to understand that seawall contractors are not created equal. Most “sea wall specialists” know something about wall construction, but lack the necessary experience and skill to ensure proper soil stabilization.

That’s where Stable Soils of Florida, a Foundation Services company, comes in. These poly grout professionals and specialty contractors not only bring extensive sea wall and concrete lifting expertise, but 80 years of soil stabilization experience in Floridalll to ensure your seawall’s longevity to the greatest extent possible. For more information, contact StableSoils at 866-622-3723 or use the Contact Form on this site.

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“We would gladly pass their names [Sinkhole Pros at Foundation Services] on to anyone struggling with foundation problems. In fact, our neighbor is using them now.”

— Richard Frost, Ocala, FL